2. There will be no practice shots prior to the tournament beginning.
3. Discs must be shot from the 10 off area. Players may not touch the court or step over the base line at any time when executing a shot.
4. If a disc does not reach the furthest dead line, it should be immediately removed from the court.
5. Score all discs within and not touching the lines: the separating triangle in the 10 off area should be ignored when scoring points.
6. In case of a tie match in both singles and doubles, two extra frames will be played until the tie is broken.
7. Singles matches:
– Singles matches will consist of 12 frames.
– Two matches will be played on each court at the same time. Opposing players will play from the same end of the court. Players will change sides of the court after 6 frames, but will not change ends of the court or disc color during their matches.
– To determine color choice, 1 practice lag disc will be shot by each player with yellow shooting first, and then 1 lag disc will be shot by each player. The disc whose center is nearest the center of the furthest dead line will choose the color. If the disc of the second player hits the disc of the first player, color choice will go to the first player. Whoever chooses Yellow will have the first shot in the first frame and the last shot in the last frame. Yellow will shoot first in all odd numbered frames and Black will shoot first in all even numbered frames. There will be no changes in assigned colors during the matches.
– Each player is permitted 4 practice shots prior to the start of the match with yellow shooting first.
– Yellow will play from the right side of the court and Black from the left side of the court for the first 6 frames. At the end of 6 frames, the players will switch positions at the same end of the court so that Black will then play from the right side while Yellow will play from the left side. This rule applies to the head of the court. The discs at the foot of the court are directly across from their respective colors at the head of the court.
8. Doubles matches:
– Doubles matches will consist of 16 frames with each partner completing 8 frames.
– Partners will play from opposite ends of the court and will not switch ends or disc color during the matches, but players will change sides of the court after 8 frames.
– Color choice will be determined in the same manner as singles at the head of the court (nearest the scoreboard) by either partner shooting for color.
– Each player is permitted 4 practice shots prior to the start of the match with yellow shooting first.
9. The referee will make all determinations on scoring, who shoots first, when discs should be removed from the court, etc. If there are any questions, including those about the score, players should consult with the referee immediately.